Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Christmas Reflections...

Christmas is a time for friends and family. They ARE the holiday. It draws families together, and makes friends appreciate just how lucky they are to have these special people in our lives. It’s a manic time, rushing to get presents, wrap them, decorate, parties and dinners. But it’s a happy time, for giving is what makes it rare, special. It’s giving love, and that always warms the heart, so much more than getting.
As we age, the kids grow, then it’s a little harder to hold onto that magic of childhood Christmases. Why I love watching A Christmas Story and Ralphie’s quest for a Red Rider BB gun. Times were simpler then. It must affect Ted Turner the same way, since TNT runs twenty-four hours of the movie every Christmas.
I cherish images from Christmases past. Those memories live bright and shining in my mind.
Times change. Christmas is no more the hunt for a Barbie Doll, a bike or a BB gun. Kids want their own computers, cell phones, I-phones, MP3 players…lol, stuff that was only seen in Bond Films when we were kids. And this Christmas is harder than most for so many. I have so many dear friends going through troubled times. Several have had surgery, others face surgery come the first of the year, and too many of our sons and daughters are still overseas fighting in a war that is coming to parallel Vietnam. We little understood that war; we little understand this one. We just know our precious children are dying in some foreign place and have no real idea why. BRING THEM HOME. American needs to take care of America. The billions spent on this war could do so much good at home.
Recently they extended unemployment because of the recession. Recession. It’s been a long time since we have heard that word, but that’s what the US economy is seeing. While the US government is wasting billions in fighting a war with no end, people on unemployment were seeing it run out. Families face a bleak Christmas this year because our government would rather send billions overseas, than millions at home for the people who are in need.
Some of you are asking me how Diane Thompson is doing. She is the sister of Dawn Thompson and lost her job while nursing Dawn in her final hours and hasn’t been able to find a job since. Diane “Candy” has a hard time walking, has no car and is far from a bus line, so it’s really made it hard. One job was perfect for her, but they took one look at her wobbling gate and turned her down. The world is just not accessible to someone who cannot get around good, who cannot stand for eight hours at a cash register. Her unemployment was extended 7 weeks, not 14 like most of the nation. New Yorkers didn’t get the full extension. It’s allowed her to stay in her apartment until January, at which time she faces an eviction notice. She is 61 ½ years old, not old enough yet for Social Security. So she is facing a very dismal start of the New Year. She won’t get Social Security until she is 62 (July). She needs medical help bad, but the government won’t give it to her until the unemployment runs out. So she is getting by…just barely. Christmas is very bleak for her. I sent her a small gift, a music box to cheer her. Not too expensive as I knew she could use the money to make ends meet. I used the rest to pay her phone bill so they wouldn’t cut it off. I found a wonderful place that makes delicious meals, which are sealed and can be delivered, so she will have a good Christmas dinner. It’s so sad that Dawn had such a struggle the last year of her life, and now her sister is going through the same thing.
Why friends and families are so important. They are there in hard times. It’s a Christian duty to help, and truly, giving makes you feel so good.
So treasure those precious friends and family…we lose too many of them.
Then it’s too late to say I love you.
My Best for you in 2009,
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Monday, December 22, 2008
Romance Upon a Midnight Clear - Book of the Week at LASR

Covers front and back from Romance Upon a Midnight Clear I did the covers, so that it was Best Book of the Week at LASR was double special!
My novella "Detour to Love"
LASR Award Winner 2007 for Best Print Story
Cata-Network Favourite Novella 2007
The Readers Lounge - Best Novella 2008
Best Book of the week at Long and Short Reviews.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
Review for Romance Upon a Midnight Clear

Romance Upon a Midnight Clear
Romance Upon a Midnight Clear (an anthology)
Publisher: Highland Press
Genre: Contemporary, Paranormal, Historical
Length: Full -- Anthology
Heat Level: Sensual
Review by Camellia
Holidays bring magical memories and open the heart to all things bright and beautiful...especially romance. There's no season like it...no better time to find Love Under the Mistletoe. Deborah MacGillivray, Leanne Burroughs, Patty Howell, Rebecca Andrews, Isabel Mere, Amber Dawn Bell, Erin E.M. Hatton and Jill and Julia offer up eight tales of romance designed to please every taste.
ROMANCE UPON A MIDNIGHT CLEAR, a Christmas treasure for one's library, is a treat to curl up with and escape from the hustle and bustle of the holiday season. This anthology has a diverse group of stories that touch a wealth of emotions.
"Johnny Fortune" by Leanne Burroughs
"Hey, doll, wanna dance?" sets a romance in motion that takes the reader into the customs and mores of 1968 in Milwaukee and America in general. The reader gets to see and feel the courtship of Johnny Fortunato, "the bad boy", who has grown into a man and Rosemary Traviata, "the good girl" who had been off limits in his school days. A precious love, that started way back in the fifth grade, begins to unfold with bumps along the way but finally blooms into a love to stand the test of time.
"The Way Home" by Rebecca Andrews
One foggy night with black ice on the highway, both Brady Justin and Abby Montgomery are each alone in their vehicles running to escape emotional pain that has taken away all normalcy of life and left only despair.
A wreck that leaves Abby with amnesia brings them together. In a cabin high in the mountains of northern New Mexico, Brady and Abby struggle to keep pain and anger from eating them alive. Nightmares bring the past to light helping them to reach out to each other.
From very different, heartbreaking experiences in the past, Abby and Brady save each other and find a happy-ever-after that leaves the reader sure that the spirit of Christmas is still alive and well.
"Heartfelt" by Patty Howell
"A little child shall lead them" works magic in this heartwarming story. Little Essie meets Cela Donovan in the library and says that they know each other. Cela, a psychologist, has all kinds of explanations about why Essie thinks this is true.
Cela's mother's wisdom and unshakable faith in God is a golden thread woven through this poignant story. They have seen Cela through years of sickness and a heart transplant and continue to support as Cela finds love with Essie's widowed father – a love that has some very special meanings.
"Window Wonderland" by Isabel Mere
This paranormal love story is enchanting. Ben Lightson, a park ranger in Coronado National Park USA, struggles to cope with his misery the first Christmas after his wife's death. As he looks at the Christmas cards his friends have sent, he sees an old English manor on the front of one. As he looks, a light begins to shine is a window of the manor and the light moves from window to window. He feels a tug!
Ben finds himself in Bremington Manor in Nasley England, on December 22, l644. Here he meets Lady Vania Dahl who is in hiding from King Charles and Prince Rupert. This is a section of the story to be savored and I wouldn't dream of ruining it by telling too much.
While Vania and her lady attendants make good their escape, Ben steps through the door to detain the soldiers seeking Lady Vania for the king.
He finds himself back in Coronado National Park giving a tour lecture for tourists. One of the tourist, Viviana Dahl, asks him a question about "sky islands". The question brings Ben a revealing flashback.
"I'll Be Home For Christmas" by Amber Dawn Bell
Ms. Bell mixes the supernatural and firm Faith in God together to create a story about Mitch Ferguson, a soldier in Iraq in the summer of 2005 and his fiancé Annie who lives in Round Rock, Texas. Mitch and Annie seem to have a perfect love with a bright future ahead until Mitch is wounded.
Wounded and bitter Mitch comes to Brooke Army Medical Center in San Antonio, Texas. His interaction with his family and with Annie makes the reader doubt that he will ever be able to truly "Be Home For Christmas". This story seems so real it makes the heart ache.
"Counterpoint" by Erin E. M. Hatton
Counterpoint, a method of combining melodies, seemed to be what Eve and Pete had done when they married twelve years ago. They had blended to make beautiful music. Now, Eve sits by Pete's bed at the hospital. He is unconscious from a car wreck that he had while with another woman.
Gabe, the man who introduces himself as the hospital chaplain, reaches out to Eve as she sorts through the past and wonders about what the future may hold. He listen and hugs her with compassion then tells her that Pete is at fault but it is up to her to decide what to do with it – does she let go of the pain and forgive or does she walk away. The choice is hers to make.
When Pete regains consciousness, can "counterpoint" return or has there been to much discord?
"Light of Hope" by Jill & Julia
In 1872, winter came early to Wyoming and Jacob Richards almost froze to death before he found the house of the Matthias where Hope and her son Caleb live with her in-laws.
Little Caleb, has lost his faith in Santa but his little elf friend Lola Lewinsky assures him that Santa is going to make his mother happy this year just like Caleb asked him. Caleb can't see how with "sir" and "ma'am" being so mean to his "ma". But, with the arrival of Jacob, things begin to change and Caleb begins to hope again.
"Light of Hope" is a delight even though it has some dark spots when Hope and Caleb are so poorly treated and all under false pretense. Gooding reading!
"Detour to Love" by Deborah MacGillivray
LASR Award Winner 2007 for Best Print Story; Cata-Network Favorite Novella 2007; The Readers Lounge - Best Novella 2007
Kaelyn Reynolds returns to the hills of Kentucky near Pandora's Landing. She had recently inherited the cabin from her aunt and uncle where she had spent many happy summers during her youth. She finds herself snowed in at Christmas time with lots of time to reflect on "back when" which gives the reader some poignant reading.
Morgan Galloway, the man she adored when she was a teenager, is also back in Pandora's Landing. He had been too old and too rich – out of her reach back then. When he and WT show up at her cabin as the "Welcome Wagon" the present becomes even more interesting than the past.
This is a "Second Chance" love story, a page-turner, with a couple of secondary characters that add a special touch of delight to the happenings -- Wiggie and WT or not to be missed.
This story makes a wonderful ending for this Christmas anthology that is a keeper –one to be enjoyed year after year.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Crazy Tuesday on the radio with Rowena Cherry and friends
Rowena Cherry's Crazy Tuesday show - Men in Shorts (and Kilts)
You can join panelists: Rowena Cherry, Diane Davis White, Jacquie Rogers,
Emily Bryant (Diana Groe), Jade Lee and me - December 2nd, where we will
be discussion such a weighty top on Voices of the Internet Radio.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
call your US Senator and insist unemployment benefits are extended
The Natio
I perso
Tell her to have the senat
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Give a gift for Thanksgiving - to needy cats

Give Your Thanksgiving Tribute Gift Today
Click here to donate online and pay tribute to a special cat in your life.
As cat lovers, we all know the joy that a cat can bring into our lives. As loyal companions, our feline friends add richness to our days as they play at our feet and snuggle in our beds. We often find ourselves talking about our cats with our friends and laughing at their many zany moments. These wonderful cats are surely something to be thankful for.
And even more, we should be thankful for the feral cats who provide richness to their caregivers - those who visit them daily to provide food, shelter, and care. These cats, who never snuggle at our feet or sleep in our beds, still bring joy to us each and every day as they frolic and thrive in their outdoor homes.
This Thanksgiving, please give a gift of $15, $30, or even more to pay tribute to the special cats in your life – and to the dedicated citizens who work every day to protect our nation’s cats. We will put your donation to work to end the killing of cats in our nation’s pounds and shelters and lead the movement for their humane care.
With a gift of $15 or more, you can post a special tribute to the cats in your life for all to see at the Alley Cat Allies’ Thanksgiving Gallery. The gallery is a unique way for you to express appreciation for the cats in your life – and to help protect cats across the nation at the same time.
Please consider this special way to pay thanks to the cats in your life this Thanksgiving. With your support, Alley Cat Allies can end the killing of cats nationwide.

One half of all royalties earned by sales of Cat O' Nine Tales are donated to Alley Cat.org. This tradesize book, is a perfect Christmas gift for that cat lover you know, and you will be helping a worthy cause when you give a copy.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Down Home Ever Lovin' Mule Blues

· Paperback: 200 pages, tradesize
· Language: English
· ISBN-10: 0980035686
· ISBN-13: 978-0980035681
Jacquie Rogers has struck me for some time as a talent waiting to “happen”. One of the problems with being a unique talent, is it’s hard to land with a publisher. Editors are often unwilling to take on oddball i.e. risky projects because they fear not hitting target with mainstream sales. Once this sort of author does, they usually rocket straight to the top of bestsellers lists. Rogers is that sort of author waiting to make the jump. And she will. Watch. With this delightful book, she is one step closer. Her quirky talent and strong voice bring this wacky novel alive. She had me smiling and laughing aloud―not many authors actually push me to full laughter, but Rogers does, allowing her to join the narrow ranks of Nina Bangs and Lynsay Sands. Set in the real town of Gasmere, Idaho, the clever author puts the town on the map with this romp through rodeos, matchmaking miniature mules, and people finding where they belong in life―and discovering it’s not always where they thought they should be. Brody is hiding out from the high-power, big-money world of Pettybottom Enterprises. And what better way to hide than in the guise of a rodeo clown! He loves playing the clown, figuratively and literally, loves the thrill of bull-riding, the roar of the crowd, thus he believes he knows where he belongs, and it’s not behind some desk as CEO of a business that is dull and stuffy. He loves the small town life and the contentment he finds as far from Pettybottom’s pressure as you can get. Rita Markham is an actuary, a lady who crunches numbers. She finds stability, finds security in dealing with dull and stuffy facts. She loves big city sophistication. She might fall for the head of Pettybottom Enterprises, but never for a rodeo clown, no matter how sexy Brody is. Once, she shook off the dust of Gasmere, Idaho and her roots in the rodeo circle, and now wants nothing to do with another broken-down rodeo clown. But is the small town girl really that enamored with big city life, or is she, too, hiding from whom she really is?
Socrates the mule doesn’t understand why humans have to make everything so darn complicated. He understands people, odd beings that they are, and even understands love, and totally perplexed why humans just don’t get it. It’s up to Socrates to save the day and make Brody and Rita see what is real and what is important.
The author’s talent shines, giving a fast-paced, humorous tale that marks her as an author on the rise. It’s sexy, sharp, witty and just plain fun!

Thursday, October 16, 2008
National Feral Cat Day

Thursday the 16th is National Feral Cat Day!!!!!!!!!
Join an event going on in your state.
Make a donation today!
I cannot say enough about good this organization does for rescuing feral cats.
One-Half of all royalties paid on my anthology Cat O'Nine Tales goes to AlleyCats.org to help them rescue feral and abandoned cats.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008
IWOFA all day chat at THE HAUNT

IWOFA all day chat at the Haunt this Friday!!!!!Infinite World of Fantasy Authors
An organization of over 200 authors who write paranormal,
fantasy and speculative fiction.
Join US!
Deborah MacgillivrayHost of THE HAUNT @ PNR
Monday, October 6, 2008
Wednesday at the Haunt - Jade Lee!

at The Haunt at PNR (Paranormal Romance Reviews)- telling us about her wonderfully sexy "dragons" and "tigers"
All Day Wednesday the 8th.....
Deborah Macgillivray
The Haunt welcome Linda Wisdom for all day chat

Tuesday, October 7th, The HAUNT at PRN (Paranormal Romance Reviews) is very lucky to have the talented Linda Wisdom to chat with us all day.
She has been a long term writer, but has really hit with her Hex series.
Come and shake the rafters with us...if you dare!
Deborah Macgillivray
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Top 10 Reasons Your Husband Won't Want You To Read The Invasion of Falgannon Isle

Top 10 Reasons your husband will not want you to read The Invasion of Falgannon Isle
10. You will want him to wear a kilt!
9. You will want to book a trip to the remote parts of Scotland (and want him to wear a kilt!)
8. You will suddenly start serving short bread cookies when he asks for biscuits!
7. You suddenly start saying "Och" a lot!
6. You want him to wear leather pants (when he is not wearing a kilt!)
5. You will start teaching the cat how to play poker
4. You will want him to waltz with you (leather pants or kilt is not optional)
3. You will start tilting you head to "What is Love" like the Roxbury Boys
2. You will want to quit your jobs, sell your house, buy him leather pants and a kilt, and move to a wee isle in Scotland
1. You will be laughing your head off and he won't know why!!!!!!!!!!!
(thanks to author Rowena Cherry for prodding me to do this!)
Sunday, September 28, 2008
PNR "TOP Picks"
Well help is on the way!
The PNR Reviewers' "Top Picks" for September are now online at the PNR Inklings & More Blog
Happy Reading,
The Staff of ParaNormal Romance
The Haunt at Paranormal Romance Reviews
Paranormal Romance Reviews
has a lovely yahoo group called The Haunt. A few weeks back they asked me to be Stephanie McGrath's co-host, and I agreed, very honoured they wanted me. It's a wonderful site and Stephanie and I had a great time working together. However, her new job as editor was taking more and more of her time, she
so stepped down a couple days ago. They asked me to take over as hostess there and I agree.
They gave me two co-hostesses to help me out, Jacquie Rogers and Kristy Bock. Both very delightful ladies who will round out a great team.
So come by and join the fun! Promo days are Thursdays and on the Weekends. Covers are on parade every Monday.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Congrat to Chris Keeslar - editor of the year!

I wish to give congratulations to my editor at Dorchester, Chris Keeslar, for being picked as Editor of the Year for 2007. Chris received this honor before several years ago, so it's nice to see him repeat in this award!
(The very serious Chris with fellow Dorchester author Cindy Holby)
So big Congrats, Chris, for honor well-deserved.
Friday, September 5, 2008
5 Angels Review for Riding the Thunder

Asha Montgomerie is the proprietor of the Windmill, which consists of a motel, swim club, restaurant, laundromat, and drive-in. She has tried to keep it in it’s original state ever since she became the owner, especially since the place is haunted from ghosts that refuse to leave. Jago Luxovius Fitzgerald Mershan is the head man for the Trident Ventures, the huge investor that wishes to purchase Asha’s horse farm and Windmill. He is the one sent to Kentucky to try to convince Asha to sell to them. When Asha first meets Jago, she considers brushing him off like most other men who eased passed her no trespass sign. Then she gets a glimpse into his green eyes, and something inside her can’t say no. Jago and Asha share some moments together as he tries his best to persuade her to sell the property. No matter how hard he pushes, she stands firm against selling. The Windmill is too rich in memories especially with the ghost residents of Tommy, Laura and the simultaneously playing jukebox. As flashbacks of Tommy and Laura creep into the life of Asha, it appears Asha and Jago are linked somehow with the young couple that was killed, and if that is the truth, they could be the next ones in line.

Thursday, August 28, 2008
To Russia with Love - Medieval style......
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
SingleTitle.com review of Love on a Harley

SECRETS AND LIES by Rebecca Andrews tells the tale of Wess McKade, hired to protect Ella Preston, supermodel and former high school sweetheart. Why did Wess leave all those years ago and can the two rekindle their love?
LEADER OF THE PACK by Debi Farr begins as Charlie, dressed as a hooker, is on her way to a Come-As-You-Aren’t party. She has a flat tire and is rescued by a cop on a motorcycle who just happens to be going to the same party.
HITTING PAYDIRT by Billie Warren Chai gives us a look at Vic, a woman working along side the roughnecks bringing in oil wells for the family business. How can she get Craig Ferguson, her brother’s best friend, to see her as a desirable woman instead of Lil’ Bits.
TEACHING LOVE by Patricia Frank relates the tale of Jenn, a widow, rescued by a biker when she spins her car into a ditch. Will she be able to let go of her husband’s memory and love again?
THE MAN RIDES A HARLEY by Diane Davis White finds Susannah taking her sister’s place in a parade, riding a motorcycle, behind a hunky biker. What happens next is embarrassing but just may lead to true love.
BAD TO THE BONE by Deborah MacGillivray revisits the Windmill restaurant and its famed haunted jukebox as Gabriel returns to Kentucky, a success, to buy the house he was never allowed to enter in his youth. He reconnects with Jocelyn, the rich girl he always craved, and finds he still wants more than her house.
Perfect summer reading, LOVE ON A HARLEY entertains from page one. This anthology has something for everyone, especially those wanting to experience Love on a Harley

Friday, August 1, 2008
Riding the Thunder a winner in The Beacon
My Website is getting an make over!

Monika Wolmerans, the very talented proofreader who vets my books, is redoing my website. It's been two years, and original design has become quite boring. She has launched the make over. There are still a few pages that will need to be updated so check back and see them. She has really done a super job. I just love it! Check it out.
Thank you Monika!
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Review for Fate of Camelot by Cynthia Breeding

Fate of Camelot continues the story award-winning author Cynthia Breeding began in Camelot Destiny (Kensington, August 2006). From what I understand the series will see a soon-to-be-release, Prelude to Camelot, followed by at least one more in the series. Breeding is quite at home with Grail Lore, but she doesn’t just give you the same old Camelot. She peels back the layers of these mythical figures to reveal the people, their wants, desires, needs and betrayals. She is a sensual writer, a strong writer who offers her visionary look behind the veil of ancient lore, giving flesh and blood to Arthur, Lancelot and Gwenhwyfar.
Picking up where Camelot Destiny ended, Gwenhywfar carries Arthur to the Isle of Avalon, to see him healed. The holy island is protected by the Land of the Faerie, so when Myrddin attempts to reach the isle, Cernunnos, the god of the hunt, captures Gwenhwyfar and holds her prisoner. He plans to keep her and make her his. The half-fey prince wants to change Gwenhyfar’s fate, but can he stop her destiny, especially when Morgan le Fey has plans of her own for him? Lancelot must try to save Gwenhyfar, but can a mere mortal triumph where time bends in on itself and magic reigns?
A talented writer, Breeding understands her subject well, giving Camelot a ‘fresh coat of paint’ for these amazing tales. So strong is her writing, you forget the lore we know by rote, and follow her into these tales so vivid in their world-building, romance, sensuality and magic.
Highly recommend for lovers of ancient history and Grail lore.