Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Year's Resolutions thoughts

New Year’s Resolutions have always been a humbug to me. 
People make them.  Do they keep them?  Do they even recall them by year’s end?  It strikes me that resolutions might be kin to birthday wishes.  If you say them aloud then they won’t come true.  I loved that line Ian McShane offered in DEADWOOD“If you want to hear God laugh, tell him your plans.”  Maybe by proclaiming our goals for the New Year we doom ourselves to failure. 

Thus, I am not making any this year, other to live each day as best as I can, and to find as much happiness and joy I can with the world.

I do have a very special thank you, though.  Montlake – Amazon Publishing stepped in to rescue the authors entangled in the mess of Dorchester Publishing going out of business.  Montlake stepped up to the plate and offered authors a chance to move on.  After dealing with half-truths and lies for years, I was so thrilled with Montlake.  I found they have kept every promise, and then some.  Working with them has been a true pleasure.  Thus, I cannot thank them enough for playing White Knight.

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