Tuesday, August 23, 2016

A birthday lunch, trainspotting and fried bologna


Candy and I has some errands to do, so we stopped by One Nineteen West Main Street (the name and address of the nifty restaurant in La Grange, to sit out on the sidewalk and enjoy a leisurely meal since it was my birthday.  I introduced Candy to the joys of friend bologna...another southern dish that she took to immediately.  And we were entertained by the trains (four in the less than an hour we sat out there.)  We had a great waitress, Olivia -- the same one that served us with Chuck and his family came a couple weekends ago.  She is just great (and pretty too!)  So ask for if you stop by.  It was a perfect weather day that we enjoyed knowing autumn would soon be on the horizon.  A lazy day, but one much enjoyed

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